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Writer's pictureCurl Spa

How to save your hair from hard water.

Updated: Nov 21, 2018

Clarifying with Apple Cider Vinegar to keep the scalp healthy and unclog the hair shaft of buildup is really a hot topic these days.

Using a clarifying shampoo also works but remember to only shampoo the roots. Rinse thoroughly and the rest of the strands will resist drying out and over shampooing.

Comb thru leave in conditioner in healthy portions. Use something with alot of slip and feels right when wet. This will insure for a good result when air drying. If your hair reacts to a product by squeaking or breaking when combing either wet or dry…ITS THE WRONG PRODUCT for your hair.

A good conditioner should feel like Mama’s love or a bowl of oatmeal. Smooth and sweet and smelling good. You should be able to comb through it with a wide toothed comb or finger comb with very little shed of hair. An impeccable cream conditioner. Can be applied after leave in as extra help to weigh the hair down and seal the shaft.

Use the prayer hands method to remove excess product as you detangle your hair.

Style and Air dry. Now depending on how you wet set it, you can achieve multiple results. This is one of the beautiful things about natural hair. You can mold and shape it as you could a bendy toy. Depending on the heat of the water, the season or the drying technique you will create either more volume and fluff or flat and soft that you can work into a sophisticated french chingon, low nape knot, or sleek up-do.

Design Essentials available at NaturallyPretty.NL

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